Sunday, October 24, 2010

Submission Fifty-Eight

I've been trying to decide if I should share this or not for a while. I decided to go for it. In responce to this note I just want to do a shout out for Julie and tell her that she gives me hope. She did so much to help my family and I will always cherish her.

Dear Kashia,

I apologize for missing your Whispers of Hope deadline. I appreciated your calling my attention to what generates hope for me but did not create anything to reflect that appreciation. Well, that is not entirely accurate. I did not create any piece of art, but on multiple occasions experienced the creation of a spring in my step as I walked along pondering your question (dance?) and I generated ongoing lists of sources of hope as I wandered in the woods with my dog. I guess you could say that you inspired a ritual. Often my walks would begin with heavy thoughts on my mind. I would leave my office and drive to some path that would lead me into the mountains or along the river. I would be thinking of the sad stories that I had just heard or anticipating accounts of struggles I would soon be hearing. Then I would shift gears and contemplate, "What gives me hope?" Often the beginning of my list would encompass my current setting--arriving in the moment and noticing the warmth of the sun, the green of the plants, the sounds of birds calling and water running. (I am always better able to summon hope in warm weather.) Experiencing the present moment allows me to feel hopeful. And birds. My God, they can FLY! I participate in their flight when I watch them with all of my attention. I have a particular affinity for great horned owls. I feel hopeful because I see at least one almost every day. I experience a feeling of blessedness every time that I do. How does that happen?

List elements: flowers growing out of crevices in rocks, the river endlessly flowing, companion animals sharing unreserved affection for humans, rainstorms that subdue forest fires, lightning storms that cause forest fires, people whose trust has been betrayed maintaining open hearts, the easy smiles of children at play, music, my children's capacity for love, synchronicity, awareness that my being is bigger than my body, the infinite variety of clouds, altruism, cocoons, snakes shedding skin, knowing there a wolves in the woods, tears shed in knowing relief, babies, restful sleep...

I walked and discovered hope. I also discovered that every "list" included your name, dear Kashia. You give me hope with your generous heart, your concern for others, your devotion to your beautiful mother, your capacity for play and eye for beauty, your intelligence, your activism, your creativity. YOU give me hope. Thank you.

Love, Julie

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